
What our customers write about us.

Hi Jon.  I wanted to reach out, to thank you, and share my experience with your organization the Twisted Trauma Foundation.

After retiring from a policing career spanning 37 years, I found no relief from debilitating depression and anxiety.  It only continued to worsen.  

My spouse encouraged me to reach out to your organization after watching one of your podcasts.

You immediately made a referral for me with a very knowledgeable and qualified councillor, and I thank you for that.

I began counselling and continue with that today.  It has been extremely long and difficult times, but the rewards are coming slowly now.

The journey has taken me through previously buried, life threatening physical abuse that I endured as a young boy, and trauma throughout my policing career.

Reaching out for help was only the beginning, but I am determined, and want to continue healing.

Thank you Twisted Trauma for all you have done for myself and others.  Please keep up this necessary work.


Retired Police Officer

Retired Police Officer
